Zanele Nyakale-Peterson, better known as Nestum, is making a triumphant return to the public eye. At just 15 years old, she captured hearts as a member of the iconic kwaito group Abashante.
Now 45, she remains a household name thanks to her 15 years at SABC's Lesedi FM, where she hosted the popular weekday show. Imatrafatse.
Nestum looked back on his journey thus far and spoke about his passion for growth both on and off-air.
“I run Bigza’s Car Wash, one of the most famous car washes in Mapetla, Soweto, and have dedicated myself to being the best businesswoman I can be. “I am dedicated to being the best mother I can be to my son,'' she said.
After taking a break from the entertainment industry, Nestum is excited to be back. “I thought I would never come back, but the truth is, I still have a lot to offer. God and my ancestors have given me an important role in bringing me back into the limelight. It worked,” she said.
With their comeback, Nestum promises to bring something fresh and dynamic.
She recently showed off her versatility as an MC following her performance with the All White Kwaito Experience. Nkarakata Road to Mandoza Experience at the Soweto Theater last year.
“These kwaito experiences prove that I am the last original woman standing in kwaito music,” she said proudly. “I'm unpredictable, so fans can expect a transformed and exciting version of me.”