Members of the Judicial Conduct Tribunal's panel are unanimous in their view that the allegations against suspended judge Tintswalo Makhubele may amount to serious misconduct.
This was revealed in a court report submitted to the Judiciary Committee (JSC) on a complaint filed by civil society organization #UniteBehind.
The organization claims Makhubele violated the principle of separation of powers by serving as both a judge and chair of the PRASA board.
The paper alleges that she also promoted corruption and state capture.
In a 13-page report, the court assessed the evidence and found that her description of the body was, among other things, “deliberately misleading and manifestly inadequate.”
The court also noted that the suspended judge “could not have performed any better” during cross-examination.
All eyes are now on the JSC, which will consider the findings.
If the JSC finds suspended Judge Makhubele guilty of gross misconduct, the matter will be sent to Parliament, which will require a two-thirds vote to impeach him.
The Judicial Conduct Tribunal is also tasked with investigating sexual harassment allegations against High Court Eastern Cape Division President Judge Selby Mbenenge. An investigation begins today in Johannesburg.
The Court of Justice begins an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against the presiding judge.