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Sybrand Engelbrecht (left) and Poul van Meekeren (right) after the Netherlands' historic victory over South Africa. —ICCNetherlands shocked the cricket fraternity by defeating South Africa by 38 runs at the HPCA Stadium in Dharamshala on Tuesday, causing the biggest upset in the history of the 2023 ICC World Cup.The Netherlands once again proved to be a formidable opponent for South Africa as they scored their first run in the mega event, causing Themba Bavuma's side problems from the start of the innings. Captain Scott Edwards was named Player of the Match for his heroic actions in leading his team to…

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The atmosphere in South Africa in October 2023 is one of pervasive despair. A sense of depression and disillusionment that things are bad and will never get better. This is partly due to the belief that nothing can be done to rectify what is happening at the hands of the ANC, the liberation movement that led the country to freedom in 1994, then led by Nelson Mandela. Based on. The early years of the ANC-led government, initially a government of national unity, saw significant progress in education, health care, basic resources such as water, electricity, housing, and many other areas…

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Wage bills at flagship Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital swelled by R48 million in one year after politicians appointed family members and friends Senior politicians in Lesotho's Ministry of Health parachuted friends, family members and party comrades into jobs at the flagship Queen Mamohat Memorial Hospital (QMMH) in 2022, inflating the hospital's wage bill. Many of the new appointees were unqualified. The first quarter of 2022 was the highest hiring period in the hospital's history, with 248 employees hired. This surpassed the previous record of hiring 27 people during the same period in 2021. As a result, wage bills jumped from…

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Anger as companies and workers demand a resolution to the UIF crisis Businesses and organized labor in South Africa are reportedly demanding that the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) be taken into administration and subjected to an independent investigation due to growing allegations of dysfunction and corruption. news 24. The UIF relies on contributions from employers and public sector employees but has been plagued by problems, resulting in significant delays for workers seeking benefits. The UIF is backed by around R130 billion of investments managed by the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), but it has slightly underperformed against benchmarks, some of which…

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Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) Executive Director Dr. Crispian Olver He says South Africa's energy transition and the pace of its progress will determine the country's long-term economic and human development prospects and should no longer be treated solely as an environmental issue. Speaking at the Joburg Indaba, Mr Olver acknowledged that despite widespread agreement that South Africa needs to reduce emissions, stakeholders are “not in agreement” on the pace of transition. . Emissions are strongly linked to the continued dominance of coal in the country. energy production. His point was underlined in a statement released a few days earlier by…

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On June 18, 2023, after the second day of the IWBF World Forum held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the draw for the IWBF Wheelchair Basketball U25 Women's World Championship was held. The U25 World Championship will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from October 3 to 9, 2023. The championship will feature a record 10 teams and is a major step forward in recognizing national and regional efforts in the development of women's wheelchair basketball. The draw is an important step in the preparation of teams for the World Championship, and in the draw teams are paired based on their…

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South Africa's political landscape is buzzing with activity as major political parties prepare for important events aimed at energizing their base and addressing pressing issues. Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema is scheduled to speak at a Siyabonga rally following the EFF's victory in the Maquasi Hills ward 03 by-election. Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the African National Congress (ANC) are not losing out. Here's what you need to know: EFF's Siyabon Galley Mr Malema is scheduled to address a Siyabonga rally in the North West province. EFF spokesperson Sinawo Tambo said the victory confirmed the public's confidence…

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米哈伊爾·法捷耶夫 自1993年以來,他一直是與南非經貿合作的始作俑者。曾在莫斯科市政府食品資源部工作,負責向莫斯科市場供應水果和蔬菜產品,並參與與代表建立貿易關係。南非蔬果產業的目標是供應柑橘類水果,建立物流鏈並建立從南非到聖彼得堡港的水果運輸系統。近年來,法捷耶夫先生擔任俄羅斯-南非商業理事會糧食和農業部負責人,該理事會是俄羅斯聯邦工商會(CCI RF)下屬的非政府組織。 在接受金磚國家電視台專訪時,他談到了俄羅斯與南非在經貿領域的合作方向。 您如何評估俄羅斯與南非在農業領域的合作?兩國在該領域的近期發展前景如何? 農業作為一個經濟部門有許多不同的組成部分。南非的經濟也是多元化的。它有多種分類。例如,東非共同體以及俄羅斯聯邦將南非納入其已開發國家名單,但南非政府不同意這一點,認為南非是發展中國家。由於在俄羅斯的分類中被列為已開發國家,南非失去了給予發展中國家的關稅優惠,從而削弱了其在俄羅斯農產品出口市場上的地位。這是指向俄羅斯供應非俄羅斯本土種植的新鮮水果,主要是柑橘類水果。 在許多方面,南非農業是世界上最發達的農業之一。俄羅斯人從南非水果的品質中知道這一點,南非水果在食品消費者中佔有重要地位。目前,南非約佔俄羅斯柑橘總供應量的三分之一。不過,對南非來說,俄羅斯市場就沒那麼決定性了。其全球供應份額不到10%。 根據年份的不同,農產品,特別是新鮮水果,約佔南非對俄羅斯出口的一半。根據統計,2022年其份額為85%。 南非的糧食由俄羅斯供應。俄羅斯在貿易銷售中也佔有很大份額,約佔俄羅斯對南非出口總額的50%。農產品可以說是兩國貿易的基礎。 就此而言,我們有理由認為經濟關係的發展應該基於這個成功的合作領域。 南非的農業生產需要石油產品、化肥、紙板和紙漿,而俄羅斯擁有豐富的這些資源。南非農業面臨供水和能源挑戰。我相信這裡可能需要俄羅斯的設備和專業知識。現在是從表達意圖轉向採取行動將其變為現實的時候了。 俄羅斯-南非商業理事會在發展兩國工商界在農業和食品領域的合作中扮演什麼角色? 工商理事會旨在促進中小企業發展。 商業委員會的平台不僅僅是一個聚會場所。我們的使命還在於向政府通報商業發展領域的問題,這些問題如果沒有國家機構的參與就無法解決。這是透過我們參與聯合投資委員會(俄羅斯聯邦和南非之間發展貿易和經濟關係政府間聯合委員會)的活動來實現的。 有些問題主要是個人問題,正在解決,而有些問題則需要持續努力。讓我舉一個糧食和農業的例子,這是我負責的領域。這是所謂的 EAC 標誌(歐亞合格標籤)紙質貼紙的問題。該標籤是根據歐亞經濟委員會的決定於2015年推出的,已造成許多問題和損失,主要針對對外經濟活動的參與者和大眾消費者。它不包含任何與貨運單據上提供的資訊不同的資訊。 然而,這些標記必須用普通南非人難以理解的俄語正確地印在紙上,並貼在每個盒子上。在南非現有的物流系統中,如果交貨地址發生變化,托盤必須被銷毀、重新組裝和拼湊起來,這在港口倉庫中是非常困難的技術。 因此,俄羅斯海關不能容忍錯誤,有時會造成巨大損失。在某些情況下,僅拼字錯誤就可能導致貨件不被允許進口。順便說一句,貼紙要花錢,每張貼紙約 0.50 美元,這是貧窮的俄羅斯消費者必須支付的費用。為什麼這種情況總是會發生?尤其如此,因為每個盒子都已經在條碼上以數字形式包含了有關產品的最完整信息,南非申請了該條碼,但俄羅斯海關拒絕讀取。 結合南非金磚國家領導人會晤成果,該領域可以啟動哪些計畫和措施? 我已經說過,現在是從言語變成行動的時候了,我也提到了可以採取具體行動的領域。企業家們,話已經說完了。在自由市場經濟形態中,國家不能強迫私人投資者做出具體的商業決策。但私人利益也不會走得太遠。我認為,兩國政府以貸款、特權、特殊條件的形式分配必要的資源,並在政府間協議的框架內商定實施一系列選定的項目是正確的。 我國在這種發展經濟關係方面有經驗。我指的是蘇聯對外經濟關係國家委員會的活動,根據該委員會的委託,蘇聯在社會主義國家和發展中國家建造了數百個對國家經濟具有重要意義的設施。 俄羅斯聯邦目前是一個年輕的國家。 金磚國家也是一個年輕的組織。我們有著共同的未來之路,我們會一步一步、一公里一公里地走下去。 您認為俄羅斯和南非之間本國貨幣支付的加強將如何影響貿易銷售? 以您的本國貨幣付款只是一次付款。商業不是慈善。您必須為所提供的商品和服務付款。以及支付方式:美元、歐元、人民幣、盧布、蘭特、盧比——這應該是合作夥伴的自由選擇。但他們在現實世界中生活和工作。例如,俄羅斯企業使用美元和歐元貨幣進行支付受到限制。我該怎麼辦?就俄羅斯和南非而言,是否會限制水果和穀物的相互供應? 這對大眾、食品生產者和消費者來說是錯誤的、不公平的。我認為應該有開放的本國貨幣支付管道,在這種情況下是蘭特和盧布。機制可能不同。 就貿易量而言,中小企業對以本國貨幣支付的可能性非常感興趣。使用這些措施將增加商品交易所的名稱和交易量,從而刺激各國貨幣在交易所的交易。不幸的是,目前俄羅斯和南非之間沒有本國貨幣的支付方式。 照片:米哈伊爾·法捷耶夫的個人檔案, Source link

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Freetown, Sierra Leone – Former Leone Stars coach John Keister expressed his deep gratitude for his three-year tenure as head coach of the Sierra Leone national football team in an emotional farewell speech. . Keister, who took over the role in August 2020, succeeds Ghanaian-born Seras Tetteh, who led the national team to qualify for the Cameroon Africa Cup of Nations for the third time in Sierra Leone's football history. As Keister bids farewell to his coaching role, he reflected on a journey full of unforgettable moments, great accomplishments, and valuable lessons that left an indelible mark on his coaching…

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Absa Bank Kenya PLC has organized a seven-day business tour to Cape Town, South Africa for its business club members. This will be done through organized site visits and one-on-one business networking sessions leveraging the local Absa Group network. The week-long tour brings together more than 30 executives to meet and benchmark with South African executives and entrepreneurs to build partnerships and seize potential investment opportunities. Elizabeth Wasna, Director of Business Banking at Absa Bank Kenya, speaking at the flag-off event, said South Africa offers one of the best potential collaboration hubs for companies to benchmark and merge. said. “As…

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