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Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has announced that social grants will be increased by at least 5% in the next financial year. “Over the medium term, R66 billion will be allocated to social development, of which R36 billion will fund the extension of COVID-19 social distress relief.” [SRD] The subsidy is valid until March 31, 2024. The R30 billion will be used for inflation-linked increases in other social grants,” Godongwana said. The minister presented the 2023 national budget in Cape Town on Wednesday. The increase in social grants is as follows. Retirement grant increases from R1,985 to…

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財政部長 Enoch Godongwana 宣布下一財年社會補助將增加至少 5%。 “從中期來看,660 億蘭特將用於社會發展,其中 360 億蘭特將用於資助擴大 COVID-19 社會救助。” [SRD] 補貼有效期至2024年3月31日。 300 億蘭特將用於與通貨膨脹相關的其他社會補助金的增加,」Godongwana 說。 這位部長週三在開普敦提交了 2023 年國家預算。 社會補助增加情況如下: 退休金從 R1,985 增加到 R2,085 75歲以上老年人的補助金將增加至2105蘭特 退伍軍人補助金從 2005 蘭特增加到 2105 蘭特 殘障補助金高達 R2,085 寄養補助金增加 5.1% 至 R1,125 護理扶養補助金從 R1,985 增加到 R2,085 子女扶養補貼增加 5.2% 至 R505 補助援助增加至 505 蘭特 – 增加 5.2% 根據財政部預算文件,SRD 補貼將繼續,但政府正在考慮向受益者提供替代社會保護的選擇。 “2023/24 年……4 億蘭特將分配給南非社會保障局並由其管理。我們仍在考慮其他交付方案。” 該部門表示:“由於經濟狀況調查的改進,2022/23 年用於補助金的資金少於預期。” 中期 中期來看,財務省宣布將透過中期支出框架(MTEF)為社會發展提供約1.1兆日圓資金,以加強對社會補助和福利服務以及婦女、青年和消費者賦權的支持。預計我們會收到一個矮子。”殘疾人。” 免費訂閱 AllAfrica 時事通訊 將最新的非洲新聞直接發送到您的收件匣 成功! 快完成了…您需要確認您的電子郵件地址。請按照我們發送給您的電子郵件中的說明完成此程序。 錯誤! 處理您提交的內容時出現問題。請稍後再試。 兒童津貼和老年人補助繼續佔政府支出的最大份額,預計未來三年各州的受益者將會增加。 「兒童福利補貼和退休金補貼合計約佔中期支出框架總補貼支出的70%。這兩項補貼將在2023/24年度向總共1,750萬名受益者提供。社會補貼將隨著中期通膨」。 「由於受益人數和補助金額的增加,社會補助支出預計將從 2022/23 年的 2,330 億蘭特增加到 2025/26 年的 2,484 億蘭特。 該部表示,“不包括因 COVID-19 導致的社會救助補助金,社會補助金領取者人數將從 2023 年 3 月的約 1860 萬增加到 2026 年 3 月的 1960 萬。預計。” Source link

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Employment and Labor Minister Thulas Nxesi said the Social Compact commitment announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State of the Union address is critical to boosting job creation. Mr Nxesi said there was broad agreement from social partners on the eight priority interventions and, similar to the ESKOM social compact, he expected five more economic sector agreements to emerge from this process. The minister was speaking at Cape Town City Hall on Tuesday during the parliamentary debate on President Cyril Ramaphosa's State of the Union Address (SONA). A joint session of the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council…

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On Saturday morning, Africa was shocked to hear the tragic news of the death of Keenan Forbes, popularly known by his stage name AKA. AKA, one of South Africa's hottest rap artists, was shot dead outside a restaurant in the southeastern city of Durban, his family announced Saturday. He becomes the latest victim in what is rapidly becoming a worrying trend in South Africa of celebrities being targeted by hitmen. The 35-year-old has won multiple South African awards, been nominated several times for the Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards in the US, and has been nominated for the MTV Europe…

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entertainment entertainment Karen Forbes shot dead in South Africa close Aka and a friend were targeted outside a nightclub and both were shot as they walked to their car, police said. February 12, 2023 2:45am DUBLIN (Web Desk) – 35-year-old rapper Karen Forbes, also known as Aka, has been shot dead in Durban, South Africa.According to media reports, police said Aka and a friend were targeted outside a Durban nightclub and both were shot dead by gunmen as they made their way…

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South Africa’s nascent social housing sector is facing systemic struggles. Rising construction costs, slow release of land, and insufficient grant funding are compromising the sector’s ability to deliver new units at the pace and scale needed. South Africa has a critical shortage of decent, affordable housing, and its cities continue to reflect apartheid planning. Social housing is the only of South Africa’s housing programmes that directly and explicitly targets spatial transformation. A recent report from housing advocacy group Ndifuna Ukwazi highlights the stark mismatch between Cape Town’s formal housing market as it stands and the housing needs of the population.…

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In his 2022 State of the Union address, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced his government's commitment to forge a comprehensive social compact that brings all social partners on board in a common program that will rebuild South Africa's economy and enable higher growth. He talked about intentions. But getting this off the ground has proven difficult, the president said during his 2023 speech last night. The President acknowledged that the Government was unable to conclude a social compact within the envisaged period, as a number of new circumstances had emerged that made it difficult for the social partners to reach an…

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Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. South Africa's Trade, Cooperatives, Privatization and Investment, Uganda High Commission is pleased to announce the Uganda-South Africa Trade, Tourism and Investment Summit scheduled to be held in Pretoria, South Africa from 27 February to 1 March 2023. is being sponsored. The business summit will be attended by two heads of state, South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni, ministers, heads of government departments, policy makers and the private sector. The summit will provide a platform for private sector businesses and businesses to create new markets, promote…

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President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will headline the Uganda-South Africa Business Summit to be held in Pretoria from 27 February to 1 March 2023. According to Deputy Investment Minister Evelyn Anite, the summit, organized by the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) in collaboration with ministries of foreign affairs, trade, co-operatives, privatization and investment, is aimed at promoting trade, tourism and investment between Uganda and South Africa. The Summit will provide a platform for the private sector, corporations and businesses to create ways to promote new markets and businesses and identify existing and emerging business and…

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Minister of Investment Evelyn Anite is briefing the press today. Museveni and Ramaphosa attend summit meeting Kampala, Uganda | Independent | Uganda Private Sector Foundation (PSFU), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Cooperatives, Privatization and Investment, will host the Uganda-South Africa Trade, Tourism and Investment Summit from 27 February to 1 March 2023 in Pretoria, South Africa. It will be held. The business summit will be attended by two heads of state, Cyril Ramaphosa and Yoweri Museveni, from South Africa and Uganda. Ministers of trade, tourism and investment, heads of government ministries, policy makers and the private…

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