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On a recent morning in a village near Durban, South Africa, life unfolded as quietly as it does every day.A woman was sitting hunched over her back outside her hut, pouring herself a glass of freshly brewed sorghum beer. — umukombi –Meanwhile, another glided past, balancing a heavy jug of water on his head. In the distance, two men were carrying heavy drums back and forth between two huts.Nearby, a Chinese family crowded around selfie sticks to take portraits, changing angles to capture the long row of huts behind them.Welcome to Shakaland, population 67. Tourists can visit traditional Zulu farms…

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WeThinkCode_South Africa's tuition-free talent incubator scheduled to open in 2016, is inviting South African business and technology leaders to prove their mettle in the inaugural #BornToCode Tech Leaders Challenge. According to WeThinkCode, the aim of the challenge is to draw attention to the potential of South African youth in software development and programming. WeThinkCode: “[The event] Tech leaders will have the opportunity to join the conversation and showcase their coding talent. ” Participating business and technology leaders will take on the student aptitude test game and compete for a top 10 spot on the #BornToCode Tech Leader leaderboard. To participate,…

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The country's economy was primarily based on agriculture until the late 19th A century when huge gold and diamond deposits were discovered and everything changed. From 1948 to 1991, South Africa's political system was defined by apartheid (a harsh policy of racial segregation). In 1994, Nelson Mandela became president of a South African country defined by equality rather than inequality. Over the past 20 years, South Africa's economy has been supported by a healthy high-tech equipment and heavy machinery industry. The country's growing affluence has also led to rapid urbanization. With 1,500 miles of coastline surrounding the southern tip…

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第一款佩戴 SVR 徽章的車型於 5 月在捷豹 Simola Hill Climb 賽事中首次亮相,該徽章將出現在所有未來的捷豹和路虎高性能車型上。其令人印象深刻的加速度和激動人心的 V8 配樂讓第一次目睹其能力的觀眾驚嘆不已。Range Rover Sport SVR 從 0 加速到 100 公里/小時僅需 4.5 秒,電子限速最高可達 260 公里/小時。去年,他還在世界著名的德國紐柏林北環賽道上跑出了圈速,在 20.8 公里的賽道上創下了 8 分 14 秒的單圈成績。這是量產 SUV 有史以來最快的時間之一,凸顯了其性能優勢。SVR最高輸出的5.0升增壓V8引擎已開發出405kW和680Nm的功率,比目前最高輸出V8機型增加了29kW和56Nm,且不影響燃油經濟性。此外,先進的 ZF 8HP70 8 速自動變速箱和四輪驅動底盤經過優化,可在任何天氣下發揮令人難以置信的性能。路虎攬勝運動版 SVR 配備了帶有電子控制閥的兩級主動排氣裝置,這在該品牌中尚屬全球首創。該系統優化了音質、性能和美觀,在更高的引擎轉速下提供賽車風格的配樂,而不會對穩態駕駛期間的精緻度產生負面影響。增強的外觀設計為 SVR 帶來了顯著的視覺衝擊力,同時也提高了冷卻和空氣動力效率。全新標準21吋合金輪圈和275/45 R21全季節輪胎提供無與倫比的全地形能力。客製化的內裝和獨特的運動座椅提供了進一步的視覺差異,並確保乘員牢固地固定在適當的位置。路虎特別營運部董事總經理約翰·愛德華茲(John Edwards) 表示:「路虎攬勝運動版SVR 是超越核心車輛卓越的公路和越野能力以及尖端設計的自然演變。其令人振奮的性能將滿足特別苛刻的需求。「結合路虎專用車業務專門開發的一系列徹底改進,這款高端衍生品從內到外都更加與眾不同。我們還將其動態性能提升到一個新的水平,同時又不影響舒適性、精緻性或全地形性多功能性。”路虎攬勝運動版 SVR 堪稱全世界功能最強的 SUV。 」 SVR 配備永久四輪驅動和兩速分動箱,具有適用於崎嶇地形的低檔選項和 50/50% 的前/後扭力分配。升級後的氣壓懸吊系統可在兩個行駛高度之間自動切換,而新一代革命性的全地形反應 2 系統可自動選擇最佳地形方案。路虎攬勝運動版 SVR 的輕質鋁製懸吊是完全獨立的,前部具有寬間距的雙叉骨,後部採用先進的多連桿佈局。同類產品中最佳的車輪行程(前 260 毫米,後 272 毫米),並提供出色的 546 毫米車輪鉸接,即使是最苛刻的條件也能應對。 路虎攬勝運動版中引入的 Wade Sensing 也可作為 SVR 中的選配。這項創新技術可在水中行駛時提供「深度」訊息,並允許車輛行走長達 850 毫米,符合主流運動。它還具有高達 的牽引能力。3000公斤。 Range Rover Sport SVR 由捷豹路虎的特殊車輛營運團隊打造,所有 SVR 車型都必須滿足關鍵性能標準才能佩戴 SVR 徽章。路虎攬勝運動版 SVR 將與其主流車型一起在現有生產設施中生產。 建議零售價:R1 865 200。 Source link

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Actor Hrithik Roshan is vacationing in South Africa with his sons Hrehaan and Hredaan. Hrithik Roshan captioned the photo, “Earth is a point in the d universe. But it feels like one of us owns d power 2 at the top of d WORLD #humanspirit.'' (Twitter/@ iHrithik),” she captioned it. Hrithik seemed to be having a lot of fun and on Tuesday, he shared an adorable picture from his travel diary on Twitter. The actor has taken some time off from his hectic shooting schedule for Ashutosh Gowariker's 'Mohenjo Daro' and has been updating his fans and followers with pictures…

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Most people do not realize that the General Electric Company first came to South Africa in 1898—it was among our first offices overseas. For a brief period, and as part of the global effort to end apartheid, we left the country. Today, GE has a very strong team in South Africa—we have built lasting partnerships with the government, the private sector, and universities to help build local skills and technical and managerial capabilities and support economic growth. I am happy to say that we expect to be part of the country’s growth and development for a long time to come.…

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Following the success of MasterChef SA Season 3 at the end of 2014 (including the #KitchenQuip tweet contest where we gave away an amazing Nederburg hamper every week), M-Net filmed another version of the show with a twist. Instead of featuring chef candidates in obscure jobs (like our most popular train driver's assistant Roxy), they chose a motley group of familiar faces from the South African entertainment world. South Africa's celebrity master chef! (Yes, with an exclamation point) begins Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. And in a welcome change from the usual format where winners take home big…

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南非體育獎昨晚舉行,過去 12 個月中許多表現最佳的運動員的努力得到了認可。該活動在約翰尼斯堡舉行,主要決策者、利益相關者和體育界人士齊聚一堂,共同慶祝南非體育界重要的一年。 當晚的大贏家包括獲得年度最佳教練獎的 Bafana Bafana 經理 Ephraim 'Shakes' Mashaba。馬沙巴見證了南非足球自1996年著名的非洲國家杯勝利以來最偉大的一年,帶領巴法納·巴法納以令人印象深刻的風格獲得了2015年非洲國家杯的參賽資格,球隊的預選賽系列賽已經結束。不敗。馬沙巴還必須應對失去隊長和關鍵球員門將森佐·梅伊瓦的痛苦和可怕的經歷,但馬沙巴表現出了模範的領導能力,並適當地領導了球隊的努力,可以用一個可能毀掉一切的事件來代替。確保明和遺產的燃料。 南非足協主席丹尼·喬丹證實馬沙巴在體育界備受尊敬,他形容馬沙巴是個具有邁達斯氣質的人。 「對於南非足球來說,這是非常偉大的一年。正如謝克斯常說的那樣,非洲足球之神確實在向我們微笑。」對於數百萬熱愛Bafana Bafana 的南非人。作為一個協會,我們感到自豪再次看到他微笑,」喬丹說。 「他接觸到的一切似乎都變成了黃金,因為他為巴法納·巴法納所做的事情和他為U20隊所做的一樣。我們的足球顯然正朝著正確的方向前進。我要感謝這位勤奮的南非人。我我很高興我們任命他領導這兩支球隊是正確的選擇,」喬丹說。 巴亞納·巴亞納隊前鋒波西婭·莫迪斯在2015年非洲女足錦標賽上實現了進球100個里程碑的壯舉,也是大贏家之一。在桑頓競賽中心宣布該獎項後,喬丹將莫迪斯描述為“非凡的射手”和“活著的傳奇”。 Bafana Bafana 傳奇人物 Lucas Radebe 以及所有確認今年參加各種賽事資格的國家隊也在此次賽事中獲得了特別認可。游泳運動員查德·勒克洛斯被評為年度最佳運動員,自行車運動員阿什利·莫爾曼·帕西奧被評為年度最佳女運動員。已故的明和仙三也獲得了終身成就獎。 Source link

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The report shows that South Africa's poorest people benefit from social spending programs. Approximately 70% of spending on social grants and 54% of spending on education and health goes to the poorest half of South Africa's population. With cash grants and free basic services, approximately 3.6 million individuals have incomes above $2.50 per day (PPP). The extreme poverty rate, measured as the percentage of the population living on less than $1.25 a day, will be halved from 34.4% to 16.5%. Child benefit subsidies and old age pensions have the biggest impact on poverty. Fiscal policy is progressive and committed to…

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Vice President Saulos Chilima on Thursday night inaugurated a high-level bilateral business forum for Malawi and South Africa, co-hosted by Standard Bank and the South African government, in Malawi's commercial capital, Blantyre. The two-day forum, held on September 11 and 12, 2014, will be based on the following themes: “Create new trade relationships and expand opportunities.” CEO Andrew Mashanda said the forum was an annual undertaking in partnership with the South African High Commission in promoting and deepening business ties between Malawi and South Africa. Standard Bank Malawi is a subsidiary of South Africa's Standard Bank, Africa's largest banking group…

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