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Lawmakers from Julius Malema's radical Economic Freedom Fighters party unleashed political chaos on Thursday (21 August 2014) by hurling chants at President Jacob Zuma. The South African leader was under fire over the controversial security upgrades to his Nkandla private residence that cost taxpayers $24 million (€18 million). The Speaker ordered the members chanting the salvo to leave the Capitol. When they refused, riot police were called. Observers fear such incidents could damage South Africa's democracy. Economic freedom fighters have the right to raise issues in parliament, but their tactics can bring parliament into disrepute in the eyes of ordinary…

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Lawmakers from Julius Malema's radical Economic Freedom Fighters party hurled abuse at President Jacob Zuma on Thursday, sparking a political storm. The South African leader had been grilled about controversial security upgrades at his private residence in Nkandla, which cost taxpayers $24 million (18 million euros). The Speaker of Parliament ordered the chanting MPs to leave the parliament building. When they refused, riot police were called in. Observers fear such incidents could damage South Africa's democracy. “The economic freedom fighters have a right to raise issues in parliament, but their tactics could tarnish parliament's reputation in the eyes of ordinary…

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August 21, 2014image caption, Generations cast member Sophie Ndaba looks out from a billboard in SowetoThe cast of the popular South African soap opera Generations have been fired after going on strike over a long-running dispute over pay and contracts.The 16 cast members of the show, which aired nightly on national broadcaster SABC, were fired after resisting calls to return to work at a Johannesburg studio.The show is scheduled to air until October, but producers have indicated they will be using new actors.Generations depicts a group of black middle-class characters working in the advertising industry.The show first aired in 1993,…

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Less than three months after the election, South African politics is undergoing a fundamental transformation. The movement towards a more open multiparty democracy is stronger than at any time since Nelson Mandela came to power in 1994. At the same time, calls for better governance are growing.This may seem counterintuitive. The ANC won his May general election with 62.15% of the total vote, giving him a clear victory (pdf). Its closest rival, the Democratic Alliance (DA), received 22.23% of the vote, while the newly formed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by Julius Malema, received 6.35%.In other words, the ANC's vote…

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細節: 撒哈拉以南非洲 政治與政府 南非 選舉和投票 政治運動 本文是德州大學帕爾曼盆地分校歷史學副教授兼凱瑟琳‧科斯珀‧杜納甘 (Kathryn Cosper Dunagan) 學者德里克‧查爾斯‧卡薩姆 (Derek Charles Kassam) 的客座文章。 2007 年至 2014 年,德里克擔任外交政策研究所非洲部落格的高級編輯。 組成南非非洲人國民大會 (ANC) 的聯盟極為多元化。這包括非國大本身、南非工會大會 (COSATU) 和南非共產黨 (SACP)。他們一起被稱為三國聯盟,涵蓋從中右翼到左翼的廣泛意識形態。我之前寫過關於非國大最近在五月選舉中取得壓倒性勝利的文章。但多年來我也一直認為,非國大面臨的最大挑戰不是來自民主聯盟(DA)或其他反對黨,而是來自三方聯盟本身。 DA 的極限是有限度的。因為無論它提拔了多少黑人政客,它作為白人政黨的聲譽似乎仍然存在,而且正如最近的選舉結果所證實的那樣,它是西開普省以外的一個政黨,尤其是在開普敦。這是因為它的吸引力較小在周邊地區。充其量是有限的。事實上,該黨擁有一定的實權基礎,並不是因為它獲得了大約五分之一的全國選票,而是因為它是一個充滿活力的國家,是國家經濟和旅遊業的核心。這只是因為他們控制著以下城市:世界。在所有其他省份,非洲人國民大會在選票份額和獲得的國會議員數量方面都具有優勢。畢竟,DA 的主要理由是 ANC 並不是政治辯論中的一根薄弱的蘆葦。 經濟自由戰士(EFF)在選舉中排名第三,實際上是有意識地試圖從左翼攻擊非洲人國民大會,它贏得的選票比後種族隔離時代排名第三的任何政黨都少,而且無論如何,在很大程度上是朱利葉斯·馬萊馬的虛榮項目。朱利葉斯·馬萊馬是非國大青年聯盟前主席,因惡作劇而被多數黨開除。 這是南非生活中最大的諷刺之一,最近的選舉與之前的幾次選舉一樣,與政策甚至意識形態幾乎沒有關係。看起來它也包括在內。如果你要求 100 名社會經濟各階層的南非人解釋 ANC 和 DA 之間的五個具體政策差異,那麼 12 個人不太可能能夠做得很好,也許吧。事實上,從意識形態的角度來看,民主聯盟實際上可能與非國大很契合。它不屬於該黨的非 COSATU/SACP 派別的右翼。如果發展議程下週被吸收到非國大,那麼南非的政策對話不會有什麼損失。 因此,對非國大統治地位的最大威脅在於非國大內部,尤其是三國聯盟。 到了某個時候,南非總工會和南非共產黨的左翼將厭倦對他們眼中主導非國大的謹慎經濟中間派進行事後猜測。維持三國聯盟所帶來的權力在未來的某個時候可能不足以將工會和共產黨置於其羽翼之下。如果那一天到來,非國大可能會面臨第一個真正的挑戰,這次來自一個嚴肅且明確的非洲左翼政黨。 在那一天到來之前,非國大將仍然是一支幾乎不可動搖的政治力量。因此,該國最具活力的政治將發生在非國大內部,而不是來自外部批評者。事實上,從許多真正意義上來說,雅各祖馬可能已經是政治史上最快的跛腳鴨。祖馬作為黨魁和國家元首的職位沒有明確的繼任者,但這並不意味著擁有這兩個頭銜的人不多。 非國大也在2014年的選舉中獲得壓倒性勝利。但這並不意味著南非沒有政治戲劇,而政治戲劇是該國最可預測的結果之一。細節: 撒哈拉以南非洲 政治與政府 南非 選舉和投票 政治運動 Source link

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Open-pit mine operations in South Africa remain one of the industry's leading contributors to short- and long-term environmental damage due to their direct and cumulative impact on the air, water, soil and cosmetic quality of the environment surrounding open-pit mines. Johannesburg is one of the environmental management companies based in I-CAT Environmental Solutions. Dust generated by open-pit mining operations can have serious health and pollution impacts if these operations are not properly managed and mitigated, I-CAT environment officials said. Leon Janse van Rensburg. “Open pit mining also has negative impacts on water quality due to contamination of groundwater sources, contamination…

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Unlock Editor's Digest for freeFT editor Roula Khalaf has chosen her favorite stories in this weekly newsletter.When the African National Congress was elected cyril ramaphosa As deputy leader of the ruling party, there was palpable optimism in South Africa's business sector. The volatile rand has risen and even credit rating agencies have cautiously welcomed the appointment, but the trade union activist-turned-businessman is the perfect foil for scandal-prone president Jacob Zuma. , was widely seen as the ideal bridge between the ANC and the corporate world. . However, nearly 18 months since the December 2012 ANC conference, it has been widely…

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Western Cape Environmental Outlook Report (2013)> Recent announcements from the state government are honest and disturbing. Six of the nine criteria selected as environmental indicators show a decline, and the remaining three sections, namely air quality, waste, and improvement or stability of human settlements, are indicative of services rather than the integrity of the environmental system. It is accredited because it is primarily associated with offering. WESSA conveys a clear message about the need to compromise on sustainability, conveyed through sections on land, biodiversity, inland waters, oceans and coasts, climate change and energy, that lives and livelihoods depend on the…

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February 3, 2014image caption, Mampela Ramphell and Helen Gill said they represented South African unity.An agreement that would have given South Africa's main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), a black presidential candidate has collapsed. Under last week's agreement, the DA was to merge with the Aghan party, led by anti-apartheid activist Mampela Lampele. Ms. Runfel had been recommended as the Democratic presidential candidate for this year's election.The combined party had been touted as the strongest challenger to the ANC since it came to power in 1994.Ranphell was the partner of Steve Biko, one of the veterans of the struggle…

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Digitalization and mobile access are changing the landscape of South Africa's entertainment and media industry. In South Africa, as in other markets around the world, the expansion of the internet and the explosive growth of smart devices are democratizing consumers' access to entertainment and media content, according to a recent report from PwC. . South Africa's entertainment and media market (E&M) is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9% over the next five years, one of the highest in the world. Much of that growth is expected to come from digital, although traditional non-digital media…

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