Author: admin

/ Media statement / The content on this page is not written by and is provided by third parties. This content does not constitute news reporting by Media reports (City Press, January 13, 2014) describe the Imbumba Business Group's intention to march in Durban to call on authorities to stop bidding to Indians. “Imbumba is among the group's prominent businessmen and politicians, who claim to be ardent ANC supporters,” the report said. The report also describes the work of another group, the Mazibwe Africa Forum, which distributed pamphlets across KwaZulu-Natal to “stop people from inciting violence against Indians.”…

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We remember Nelson Mandela's courage for the cause of justice and freedom, but few Canadians know about his love of nature. Even fewer people are aware of the role Canada played in the development of South Africa's environmental policy. We remember Nelson Mandela's courage for the cause of justice and freedom, but few Canadians know about his love of nature. Even fewer people are aware of the role Canada played in the development of South Africa's environmental policy. In his inaugural address on May 10, 1994, he said: …When the grass turns green and the flowers bloom, we are moved…

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Unlike Media24 and TMG, the Independent does not have a strong national title, but covers major population centers with local newspapers to much the same effect. (Delwyn Verasamy)Although many small independent titles have a disproportionate influence on South African news and public opinion, four main groups dominate the landscape. Until recently, three of his companies were seen as anti-ANC, but the new ownership of the independent group and his increased control of the SABC could change the balance. Naspers/Media24Owner: Public investment corporation (government pension fund), various institutions. The ANC remains deeply distrustful of its Afrikaans roots, despite the changing tone…

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Ricoh SA 和 Lectron South Africa 簽署了為期兩年的理光消費者、小型辦公室/家庭辦公室 (SOHO) 和小型企業印表機、多功能設備、耗材和解決方案的獨家經銷協議。第一步該協議標誌著理光公司邁出了進入南非 IT 分銷管道的第一步,並擴大了 RECtron 南非公司的印表機產品組合。理光公司將把通路業務從南非拓展到其他非洲國家。「Lectron 是南非領先的經銷商,在全國範圍內擁有廣泛的影響力和良好的業績記錄,」理光 SA 的 Richard Pinker 醫學博士說。 “我們認為,2011年該級別打印機和多功能一體機的全球市場價值超過1100萬台,國內市場總計約為15萬台。%,這是保守估計。”「透過此次合作,我們預計能夠將 Lectron 業務印表機部門的銷量增加一倍,」Lectron SA 在 JSE 上市公司 Mustek Limited Group 的執行長、聯合創始人兼大股東 David Kan 表示。 「這是該公司在IT分銷管道中採取的第一個間接模式,我們與他們簽訂了獨家協議。透過共同努力,市場將支持我們印表機部門在第一年的顯著增長。我相信這一點。 」「這項決定反映了我們的理念,即成為經銷商通路中的增值經銷商和合作夥伴,提供最好的技術、服務和定價結構,幫助您實現多元化和發展業務。」Lindy Short 博士說道。 “知名品牌的技術和優勢將為市場帶來新的機會。”分配根據該協議,Lectron 將銷售理光專為其目標市場量身定制的 SP 和 SPC 印表機系列,其中包括佔地面積小、完全前端訪問以及包括 WiFi 在內的便捷連接的 GELJET 印表機。這將會完成。採用理光快乾液態凝膠技術,簡化彩色列印。理光 SA 間接營運執行副總裁 Jack Van Wyk 表示:“此次推出包括密集的經銷商教育和發展計劃,以及經銷商發布會,新的通路合作夥伴可以體驗理光技術並與之互動。”「堅定我們決定與他們合作的最大決定因素之一是他們專注於建立一個成熟的多功能印刷部門,提供技術支援的印刷解決方案。「我們正在幫助經銷商了解南非印刷市場的增值機會,」他總結道。Ricoh SA 還為 Rectron 產品經理和經銷商提供了一個入口網站,他們可以透過該入口網站存取最新的產品資訊、新技術和行銷資料,以協助進行機會管理。 Source link

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Blomkamp's portrait of Mandela is over 4 meters tall (Paul Blomkamp/VeryFirstTo) The world's largest portrait of South African politician Nelson Mandela has been unveiled ahead of his 95th birthday.Paul Blomkamp painted a 4.2m x 4.2m portrait on nine canvases to celebrate Mandela's birthday in July.The portrait took 14 months to create and is painted in acrylic paint. “I wanted to capture Mandela's legendary smile forever,” Blomkamp said.”He has the most attractive face I have ever seen. I am determined to do justice to the energy and spirit of this wonderful man.”The minimum price for the Mandela portrait was £193,000, and…

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Wendy and Phobian are both feisty women, strong characters who make the most of what they have, and who hope to narrow the gap between rich and poor in the country they love. Wendy supports her philanthropist husband in funneling funds into development projects in health care, education, agriculture, and small business development. Because social and economic progress is hindered by a government widely considered corrupt and incompetent, there is little that phobes can do to improve conditions for the black majority. Few tourists have ever met Wendy and Phobian, but a small group recently visited them as part of…

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South Africa's Google Zeitgeist has been revealed. Google has released Zeitgeist, its annual report that looks back at 2012 through the collective eyes of the world on the web. Topping the list of South Africa's overall search trends for 2012 was free advertising site OLX. Singer Whitney Houston, who passed away in February of this year, came in second place, with the dance being a hit for Gangnam Style, and athlete Caster Semenya was in the top 10 of overall trending searches. Here is the list: Trending words across South Africa OLX whitney houston hurricane sandy gangnam style Olympic velvet…

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Editor's note: Each week, CNN International's African Voices spotlights Africa's most fascinating people, exploring the lives and passions of people who rarely open up to the camera. Story highlights Ladysmith Black Mambazo was founded in Durban, South Africa in the 1960s This men's choral group began to gain international recognition through their work with Paul Simon. The group has been hailed by Nelson Mandela as “South Africa's cultural ambassadors” This singing group is now passing on its traditions to the younger generation CNN — South African a cappella singing sensation Ladysmith Black Mambazo has been taking audiences on a musical…

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These are among the key findings of a new study entitled 'The State of Social Media in South Africa 2011' published today 26 October 2011 by Fuseware and World Wide Worx. “The question of how many South Africans use each of the major social networks comes up frequently, so determining that number has become a priority for us,” said the intelligence analyst. said Michal Wronski, Managing Director of Fuseware and co-author of this report. . “Data was collected using a combination of analysis of social network databases by Fuseware, information provided directly by social networks, and consumer market research from…

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While the president talks about jobs in his State of the Union address, public anger is simmering beneath the surface. Jacob Zuma focused on the economy in his State of the Union address, appealing to trade unionists and the poor. [AFP] South African President Jacob Zuma's State of the Union Address (SONA) on February 10th focused on a country that continues to struggle with high levels of unemployment and crime, a ruling alliance that continues to show signs of serious discord, and It was aimed at an increasingly restless civil society. The speech was therefore an acrobatic balancing act, attempting…

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