- Posts and content containing misinformation, disinformation, falsehoods and deepfakes all attempt to appeal to people's emotions to get them to share the content.
- The purpose of such content is to spread widely and sow doubt about a particular subject, topic, or institution.
- News24's checklist can help you decide whether you should share information and what steps you should take to verify it.
“Wow, this is amazing! I have to share it right now” is a common thought many of us have when we come across something ridiculous or outrageous online.
If you share information that you haven't verified, you fall into the trap of calling someone a wolf when there isn't one.
Posts and content containing misinformation, disinformation, falsehoods, and deepfakes all attempt to appeal to people's emotions and get them to share the content in order to spread and sow doubt about a particular subject, topic, or institution.
Most importantly, if the content provokes an emotional response, such as anger, sadness, disappointment, or fear, pause, don't share the content right away, and take the time to review the content and consider whether it's worth sharing.
The checklist below can help you determine whether you need to share information and what steps you can take to verify it.
We live in a world where fact and fiction become blurred.
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