CLAIM: President Joe Biden issued Executive Order 9066, which provides $5,000 Visa gift cards to people who entered the United States illegally.
AP Rating: False. Executive Order 9066 This law was issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 and authorized the forcible removal from the West Coast of anyone deemed a threat to national security. It paved the way for their migration and imprisonment. Approximately 120,000 people People of Japanese ancestry, including citizens born in the United States during World War II.The order is officially ended by President Gerald Ford in 1976. Immigration experts previously told The Associated Press that people who enter the U.S. illegally: Not eligible for federal cash assistance, with the exception of some Cubans and Haitians. These benefits do not include his one-time payment of $5,000.
Fact: On our 82nd anniversary order On Monday, social media users falsely claimed this was a recent directive aimed at helping people cross the U.S. border illegally.
“Biden Executive Order 9066 gave illegal aliens $5,000 VISA cards to use as they wish,” X's post reads. “Is Biden buying votes?” had about 12,300 likes and shares as of Tuesday.
Another X post, which received more than 11,700 likes and shares, incorrectly states: “Executive Order 9066 is giving these illegals $5,000 gift cards. I'm desperate just to go into more debt every month because of Bidennomics. The Democrats are the ones who put me at the bottom as an American. I will never support Democrats or liberals after seeing how much destruction they have caused over the past three years. What about you?”
Among the posts making these claims was a video posted to X in December. Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, a Republican senatorial candidate from Arizona. In the video, Lam falsely claims that in addition to a $5,000 Visa gift card, the government also gives people who enter the United States illegally a cell phone and a domestic flight to their desired location. . The government does not provide such assistance.
However, Executive Order 9066 has nothing to do with modern immigration.
roosevelt signed the order February 19, 1942, shortly after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, which led to the United States' formal entry into World War II. A person deemed to be a national security threat, Forced deletion As a result, approximately 120,000 Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans were relocated and interned in desolate camps.The government claimed those detained may plot against the United States During wartime, even though thousands of people were elderly, disabled, children and infants. Two-thirds were citizens.
these imprisonment is over [1945年の第二次世界大戦終結後。ジェラルド・フォード大統領正式に終了しました 34 周年にあたる 1976 年 2 月 19 日の大統領令 9066。 あ 1988 年法律 キャンプの残りの生存者にはそれぞれ2万ドルの賠償金と正式な謝罪を与えた。
米国に不法入国する人 受け取らない 連邦政府からの 5,000 ドルのギフトカードと 資格がありません 特定の例外を除き、あらゆる連邦政府の現金援助に対して キューバ人とハイチ人と移民専門家は以前AP通信に語った。 これらの特典には、5,000 ドルの 1 回限りの支払いは含まれません。
AP通信も以前報じたは、ラム氏の主張に反して、不法に米国に入国した一部の人々は電話を受け取る可能性があるが、彼らがアクセスできるのは移民関税執行局の拘留代替プログラムの一環としての監視サービスのみである。 また、連邦政府の援助は限られているが、移民を目的地に連れて行くのには役立つが、通常、移民は決められた目的地リストから選択する必要があり、通常は飛行機ではなくバスで移動する。 ラム氏は複数のコメント要請に応じていない。
これは、オンラインで広まっている誤った誤解を招く情報が広く共有されていることに対処するための AP の取り組みの一環です。 AP でのファクトチェックの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。。